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Program & Replays

From Halfass to Badass: Good riddance to "I'm Not Enough" and "I'm Too Much"

Broadcast on June 17, 2020
With Bernadette Pleasant
Hosted by Sabrina Chaw

As women, we're often discouraged from "taking up space” in our emotions, behavior, and our expression, perhaps acquiescing to the beliefs of “I’m too much” or “I’m not enough.”  In this empowering and riveting talk, Bernadette shares how women over 50 can rise from these pandemic times, discover the authentic, sensual wisdom of their bodies, and reclaim the space that is theirs to claim, for their sake, and for the sake of the world.

In this Session

  • Learn how to transform fear of your expression into light, love, and fullness through the deep, pulsing wisdom of your body
  • Be guided in a profound experience of expansion, in your heart and body, and proudly take up the space in the room and your voice on the planet
  • Be inspired and awakened to an eternal source of beauty in your Being that conquers your inner critic, and opens the gate to your inner splendor
The views expressed are specific to the author/speaker and may vary from the perspectives of The Shift Network's participants, staff, or other speakers.
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Bernadette Pleasant

Founder of Femme! and The Emotional Institute

Spirited and energetic, Bernadette Pleasant is a fiery and sensual speaker, somatic healer, founder of The Emotional Institute and creator of Femme!, a mind-body wellness program, and 400 Years, a somatic-based anti-racism program. She is known for channeling her personal journeys and radical empathy into transformative, immersive experiences that support and celebrate people of all genders, colors, ages, and sizes. 

Certified in emotions-centered coaching, somatic healing, integrated energy therapy and studies in African, tribal, and free dance, Bernadette promotes emotional freedom through movement and empowerment. She also facilitates deep and refreshingly real dialogues on emotional healing, grief rituals, and unlearning racism.

A woman of color, Bernadette comes from a long line of natural healers who have used touch and movement to help others find peace and wellness. Her classrooms, online and in person, welcome participants without judgment, supporting all to experience comfort and pleasure in their own skin.

Bernadette Pleasant