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Program & Replays

100 Years as a Woman: Determination, vision, and grit by the mother of holistic medicine

Broadcast on June 15, 2020
With Gladys Taylor McGarey, MD, MD (H)
Hosted by Sabrina Chaw

From the age of 2, Gladys McGarey always knew she would be a doctor. Through her devotion to creating more humanity in healthcare, she pioneered holistic medicine while also being a wife and mother of 6. In this inspiring talk, Glady’s will share her story…a woman’s story…A woman who has been through many obstacles and repeatedly put herself back on the front lines to save lives and help them thrive. She is now 100 years old and still has a 10-year plan. Hear Glady’s story and the courage it took for her to live it.

In this Session:

  • Learn the number one question to ask yourself in challenging times and in times of illness for strength and faith
  • Cut through all the information you’ve gathered over the years, and distill it down into these two essentials keys in order to lived a life well-lived…and well-loved
  • Explore what’s possible in fighting cultural bias and institutional prejudices, and in taking risks to live the life you desire
The views expressed are specific to the author/speaker and may vary from the perspectives of The Shift Network's participants, staff, or other speakers.
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Gladys Taylor McGarey, MD, MD (H)

Med Dr, visionary, Mother of Holistic Med, Founder, Foundation for Living Med

Dr. Gladys McGarey is a national treasure who will be 100 years old. She graduated from Medical College when women weren't particularly welcome. She's spent her professional career as a pioneer with accomplishing a list of firsts. Please welcome the Mother of Holistic Medicine and one of the few 100 year olds who currently has a 10 year plan.

Gladys Taylor McGarey, MD, MD (H)